
Thanks to Itzulgesyou can manage your work better:

- Because both office and external translators are able to share TMs

- Because external translators won’t need to purchase the application in order to undertake a translation

- Because they will be able to consult all TMs at the same time

- Because the proofreading process is professionally managed and all edits are registered

- Because translations are managed better when there is a high volume of work: organising them by clients, translators, texts pending translation and proofreading, etc.

- Because more unified terminology can be used since these terms will be given priority in searches if the dictionary is developed

- Because costs are reduced since the cost per translator is inferior to other applications available on the market

Besides undertaking translations and being able to offer enhanced services to your clients, you will also be able to offer the following complementary services:

- Proofreading services

- Compilation of the company’s terminology into a dictionary

- The Translation Memory and the possibility of consulting the dictionary which is constantly updated

Although Itzulges has numerous advantages compared to other translation programmes such as Word Fast or Trados, it also has some disadvantages: these two applications work better when a text includes many images or photos, or is in a special format.

However, in order to resolve this type of translation, Itzulges can create a Translation Memory which is compatible with Word Fast.

Furthermore, memories developed with Word Fast, Trados, or any glossaries can be migrated directly into the Translation Memory.